UI/UX Design
A motivated App for parents in the parenting journey.
This APP creates a platform for parents in learning, sharing, and encourage, which boosts parents' parenting confidence and enriches their parenting knowledge.

Duration :
8 weeks
Project Infor :
Personal Project (Final Thesis).
Parenting Issue.
Deliverable :
Mobile Application Platform
My role :
UX and Visual design
Conducted secondary research, survey, and interview.
Synthesized data and created wireframes, visuals, and prototyping

Problem :
The majority of parents have challenges in parenting like they don't know how to create communication with kids, how to respond to children at a specific moment, and lack professional parenting knowledge. So many parents are free stressed and exhausted in their parenting journey. HMW enables parents to become more confident, intelligent, and engaged with their children in the parenting journey?
Solution :
This APP includes three main functions: Learning, sharing, and encouraging. It enables parents to get professional suggestions and learn some practical parenting knowledge. The parents could share their parenting experience or discuss some challenges with other parents by gaining points, which can be redeemed in other services. Through this positive and incentive program enrich the parenting journey.
Secondary Research :
Brain science shows that 90% of brain development happens before age 5, and this early brain development has a lasting impact on a child's ability to learn and succeed. The quality of a child's experiences in the first few years of life—positive or negative—shapes how their brain develops. The development and changes of children's brains are essential to establishing proper communication between parents and children building a beloved, interactive, and responsive relationship.
Thus, I decided to tackle the parents' side to improve their challenge.
Primary Research :
To get a deeper understanding of parents' challenges and their wishes, I conducted an online survey and an interview. I screened 17 parents who feel stressed about dealing with their children and in-depth talked with 2 participants. Summarized some important data that bring more insights for me for further research.
Parents believe their children have low concentration issue.
Age arange
Rely on children agency
Complain about current parenting vibe.
Parents belive they need professional guidence to inspire their children
Empathy Map :

Key Findings and Insights :
After gleaning quantitative and qualitative data, analyzing parents' interview data, I summarized four categories.
Parents need specific and practical suggestions based on daily conversation to improve their communication skills.
Stress-free access specialists to address parents' doubts.​
The current parenting vibe should be improved. Healthy, sustainable, and positive.
Pass the positive energy around parents, unite and gather together to share parenting experiences.

Narrow down into design opportunities :
To develop a design solution, I organized my findings into three branches. Asked probably opportunities based on the problems.
Lack of professional parenting communication skills and knowledge

Idea: A motivated APP for parents to learn, share, and encourage.
It enables parents to get professional suggestions and learn some practical parenting knowledge. The parents could share their parenting experience or discuss some challenges with other parents by gaining points, which can be redeemed in other services. This positive and incentive program enriches the parenting journey.
User Story :
Based on the persona’s real stories, I conducted a user flow on how do users access the App to achieve their satisfaction. In this scenario, the user story is JoJo’s two sons have low concentration issues with a teeth brush. The older son can be educated through patient guidance. However, her younger son won’t do it no matter how patient she was. And sometimes her young son’s reaction made her worried about him. Therefore, she opens App, ROOROO, and asked for help from experts.
The first time, she chose to talk to a robot. The system responds to her with detail suggests and also gives her more expanding learning options. JoJo chose podcast learning. After listening to the extra podcast, she feels happy, and cannot wait to share this good resource with others. She also wants to check other discussion events related to her problem to see how do other parents tackle this issue. So, she clicked the events option. The system sent her related event access. JoJo checked the detailed information about this event and decided to join this event. During this process, she knew new friends and also gleaned some practical ideas from the discussion.
The second time, JoJo cannot wait to access a specialist because of her younger son’s tricky issue. The system sent her access to talk to an expert. She learned a lot through talking to experts. She evaluated the expert's services and decided to launch an event to spread what she learned. After launching this discussion event, she gained some points, which encouraged her in her parenting journey.
Idea Sketch :
This APP includes three main functions: Learning, sharing, and encouraging. It


Flow - 1 :
JoJo has issue about her son's teeth brush. The first time, she talked to the robot. The robot responds to her detailed information. Moreover, offering other 3 options: related podcast, join the discussion, or talk to a specialist, which expands JoJo's engagement and learning opportunity.

Flow - 2 :
JoJo's younger son has a serious problem with teeth brushing, which made her so stressed. So she decided to talk to a specialist that gets more practical information. After she talked with the expert, she felt so happy and cannot wait to share her experience with more parents. So she decided to launch an event to share what she learned.

Flow - 3 :
After launching an event, JoJo gained some points which could be redeemed by other quality services. So she checked her reward section to browse something.