" Laughing is a simple and easy way to enhance the connection between parents and children.
Let us have fun."
Card Game
Social Intelligence
Card Game
Social Intelligence
Card games are a good example—not only promoting healthy competition but also efficient social interaction. Moreover, the pattern of card games can trigger the development of several skills with a series of educational and emotional benefits among children. During interview, 90% of parents complained that they lack ideas to engage with their children. Playing card games is usually considered an entertaining activity for both grown-ups and children. Playing card games is beneficial for dexterity and eye-hand coordination. Card games help children develop their motor, cognitive, and emotional skills.

I named it " FUN ME ".
How to play?
Have all the cards in the deck face-down. Everyone takes a turn to put the card in the middle and says: Blue, Orange, Yellow, and Purple, in that order. Everyone keeps these 4 colors in mind. As soon as there is a match between a card and a spoken word, players race against each other to slap their hands on the central pile of cards. The last one to do so must take them all. Be quick to be the first to get rid of all your cards, but watch out! Your mind will play tricks on you. Enjoy!
Number of players: 3 or more players
Shuffle and then distribute all cards face-down to all players.
Get rid of all your cards and be the first to slap a match (explain the match) .
The person to the dealer’s left puts a card into the center, face-up, saying “Blue.” The player on his left then puts their card face-up on the top of theirs, while saying “orange.” Game continues in this order: blue, orange, yellow, purple…. Until the following happens: Special cards.
Special cards: All players must complete the actions below immediately when a special card is revealed, and then slap the pile of cards. If a player does the wrong action or is the last one to slap the pile, they must pick up the cards.
Unicorn RooRoo: Connect your hands above your head to form a horn
Love RooRoo : Raise your arms and make a heart
Funny RooRoo : Make faces like the RooRoo in the card.
Winning the game: The game ends when a player with no remaining cards is the first to correctly slap a match or special card.